What RTMP options are available for you?

RTMP to HTTP Conversion
Udp Input: 0 Live From Browser: No Max Video Bitrate: Auto Max Audio Bitrate: Auto Extra RTMP LinkNo HTTP LinkYes HLS LinkNo Stream RecordNo
Up to 20 clients can simultaneously read the stream
Want more people to watch your stream? Need to record?
Fine tuning is available in the dashboard.


Basic RTMP Streaming
Udp Input: 1 Live From Browser: Yes Max Video Bitrate: 1Mbps Max Audio Bitrate: 126 kbps RTMP LinkYes HTTP LinkYes HLS LinkNo Stream RecordNo
Up to 50 clients can simultaneously read the stream
Want more people to watch your stream? Need to record?
Fine tuning is available in the dashboard.


Standard RTMP Streaming
Udp Input: 2 Live From Browser: Yes Max Video Bitrate: 1.5Mbps Max Audio Bitrate: 126 kbps RTMP LinkYes HTTP LinkYes HLS LinkNo Stream RecordNo
Up to 100 clients can simultaneously read the stream
Want more people to watch your stream? Need to record?
Fine tuning is available in the dashboard.


Pro RTMP Streaming
Udp Input: 3 Live From Browser: Yes Max Video Bitrate: 3Mbps Max Audio Bitrate: 126 kbps RTMP LinkYes HTTP LinkYes HLS LinkYes Stream RecordYes
Up to 1000 clients can simultaneously read the stream
Want more people to watch your stream? Need to record?
Fine tuning is available in the dashboard.


What do you need to send your videos to our servers?

Know your stream duration

Before you start, one of the first things you need to clearly know, is for how long you want to stream your videos?
You need to stream for a sigle hour/day ? For a week? For a month? Or for everyday 24/7 ?
Once you know your stream duration (how long your stream will last), the next thing you need to know is: how many people are going to simultaneously watch my stream?

Know your audience size

Your audience size is the answer to the following question: how many people are going to simultaneously watch my stream?
Of course, it can be difficult to know exactly your audience size but you will need to guest a number.

Know your budget

Once you know how many people are going to simultaneously watch your streams and for how long you watch to stream your videos, the next thing you need to do is to define your budget.
Defining your budget is process to determining how much you have to spend for your streaming need.
Of course, your budget will depend on 2 factors: your audience size and your stream duration. QuickStream offer many options available.
If you are on low budget, your can start with a starter or basic option and make an upgrade in the future.

A computer or a mobile phone

You can use a computer to send your vidéos to our RTMP servers. If you want, use can also install an RTMP streamer app on your mobile phone so that you can send your videos directly to our servers.

Internet connexion

Obviously, you need an internet connexion to send your stream to our servers. The better the quality of your internet connexion, the better your stream quality will be.

Happy streaming. Need help? Ask for help here